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Summit Adventurers  Sunday School

Meets every Sunday at 9:30 am

Currently, we are studying a unit entitled "God's Fearless Followers"

We are reminded of what it means to trust and obey God!

Our memory verse focus is...

"The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9

We invite all children to join us as we explore God's Word!


Summit Seekers

For all Children, ages 5-12

Every Wednesday

6:00 - 7:00 pm

Games, Worship, and a Word

Please come join Mrs. Mingus for these exciting Wednesdays!



Kids Reaching Kids


Southview Kids are raising money for Bible story audio players

to help kids reach other kids, their families, and whole communities.

This offering project extends thru December as we anticipate filling a

large container with coins and bills!

Our inspiration for this offering is from Romans 10:14 (NIRV)

"How can they call on him unless they believe in him? 

How can they believe in him unless they hear about him? 

How can they hear about him unless someone preaches to them?"

Children's Bible Quizzing

September-March   2014-15 Exodus

For all children 1st grade through 6th grade

If interested contact Sherrlyn Mingus

765.962.1738 or